


TORRA x KENDA 三義林道耐力賽 風險告知與免責聲明同意書

本人參加主辦單位(以下簡稱甲方)舉辦之 TORRA x KENDA 三義林道耐力賽(以下簡稱本活動),已知本活動具有一定風險,並同意遵守下列參加本活動條款以及所有相關規定.

I am a participant in the TORRA – TORRA x KENDA Zhong Keng Enduro & Hard Enduro ("Event") held on February 24th, 2024. I hereby state, acknowledge, represent, undertake, and agree to the rules of event and ENTRY DISCLAIMER.I understand the risk of the event and will follow the rules.


(1) I voluntarily participating in the activity organized by TORRA, and agree to assume all risks associated with the activity. These risks may arise from my own actions or negligence, or from the actions or negligence of others, as well as from factors such as physical condition, vehicles, or unfamiliarity with equipment, facilities, or venues. I am fully aware that such actions may result in bodily injury, loss of life, or property damage. I hereby declare that I am fully aware of the aforementioned events and willingly accept and assume all risks associated with the activity.





(2) I understand that this activity is an extreme sports event. I have read the relevant instructions and regulations of this activity, and I am in good health without any physical injuries or illnesses that would make me unsuitable to participate.(3) I waive any right to claim or recover any legal liability from the event organizer, organizer, sponsor or co-organizer for any accident, death or loss of any kind incurred by me while traveling to and from the event venue or during the event.(4) I have read and understood the instructions and regulations of this activity and agree to abide by them.(5) I understand that I am free to withdraw from the competition if I experience any discomfort while participating in this activity.

(六)、本人同意活動單位(主辦、協辦、贊助及合作單位)可於活動中拍照、錄影或以其他任何形式製作本次活動紀錄,並授權活動單位(主辦、協辦、贊助及合作單位)可將拍攝之素材(包括但不限於之姓名、肖像、影像拍攝、圖片、照片與記錄等)利用於包括廣告與促銷等各種宣傳用途,以及利用於現在或將來已知的所有媒體,該授權為 不受任何限制之永久性免費授權。


(九)、本人已滿 18 歲。未滿 18 歲者,必須法定代理人同意,才能參加本活動。

(6) I agree that the event organizers (the organizers, co-organizers, sponsors and co-operators) may take photographs, video recordings or any other forms of recordings of the event, and I authorize the event organizers (the organizers, co-organizers, sponsors and co-operators) to use the materials (including but not limited to names, likenesses, video recordings, images, photographs and recordings, etc.) for various promotional purposes, including advertisements and promotions, and in all media now or in the future known, and this authorization is a perpetual free license without any limitation. The license is a free and perpetual license without any limitation to use the materials (including but not limited to his/her name, likeness, image shooting, pictures, photos and records) for various promotional purposes, including advertising and promotion, as well as in all known media now or in the future.(7) I agree that all information provided in the application form is true and correct and that I meet the eligibility criteria set by the Organizer. I understand that any false information provided will result in immediate disqualification from the event and that there will be no refund of the application fee paid.(8) I am willing to obey the final result of the acativity.(9) I have reached the age of 18. If you are under 18 years old, you must have the consent of your legal representative to participate in this acativity.


  • 需穿著安全裝備 合格安全帽,護膝,護肘,越野專用車靴(非公路車靴),缺少一項,無法參與本活動
  • 依照比賽路線行駛,並在本活動時間內遵守指導人員,裁判,賽道指引人員指示,依照賽道指引牌行駛,遵守本活動規範.
  • 嚴禁在比賽時間內,擅自離開賽事活動區域.
  • 嚴禁安全裝備不合格者參與活動 ,並且不可在本活動比賽進行時將安全裝備卸除,違反者將請出競賽活動場地,並暫停比賽資格
  • 比賽結束或暫停,請按照指導人員指示或指標行駛.
  • 比賽時間內需聽從引導工作人員以及路線指示牌之指示行駛
  • 越野機車競賽活動,不可避免可能會產生車損或受傷,活動期間,因比賽過程中造成之車損,受傷,意外,本人會自行負責
  • 與其他參加本活動者或工作人員或觀眾有肢體行為的衝突,因前述事項衍生之賠償與民事,刑事訴訟,由本人負責,
  • 嚴禁攜帶危險物品入場,任何人進入場內除了個人保護裝備外,禁止攜帶如:爆炸物......等危險物品。如經查獲,暫停活動資格.
  • 有下列疾病、症狀之參與活動會員,如:心臟病、高血壓、凝血功能不足、飲酒、宿醉、氣喘、孕婦、癲癇...等相關症狀。請依照個人身體狀況參與活動,


I agree to comply with the following safety regulations of this activity:Wear safety equipment:helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and off-road boots (not road boots).If you do not have any of these, you will not be able to participate in this event.Follow the race route, and comply with the rules of this event.It is strictly prohibited to leave the race area without authorization during the race.Participation in the event with unqualified safety equipment, and the safety equipment must not be removed during the race. Violators will be asked to leave the event venue and will be suspended from the competition.When the race is over or suspended, please follow the instructions of the instructors.During the race, please follow the instructions and the route signs.Participating in motorcycle racing activities may result in vehicle damage or injuries. I acknowledge that I will be held responsible for any damage, injuries, or accidents that occur as a result of my participation in the racing event.I will take responsibility for any physical conflicts with other participants, staff, or spectators of the event, as well as for any damages, civil or criminal proceedings resulting from the above.It is strictly prohibited to bring dangerous goods into the venue. In addition to personal protective equipment, items such as explosives are also prohibited. Dangerous goods are not allowed. If it is found, the activity will be suspended.Participants with the following conditions and symptoms will be included: heart disease, hypertension, blood clotting disorders, alcohol intoxication, hangover, asthma, pregnancy, epilepsy, etc. Please participate in the program based on your physical condition.I affirm that I am in good physical and mental condition, free from any illness that would prevent me from participating in this activity. I will prioritize my own safety throughout the activity. I declare that my participation is entirely voluntary, and I acknowledge the associated risks. I will take responsibility for any accidents that may occur during the activity.










簽名:____________ 會員號碼:__________ 身分證字號_________


This is a motorcycle race. There may be injuries or damage to the vehicle. If you have any doubts, please do not participate. Please refrain from participating in this event if you have any concerns. By participating in this event, you acknowledge that you have read the Notice of Risks. Please note that you are responsible for all risks associated with participating in this event.

Disclaimer of Liability

I, along with my guardian, legal heirs, and other legal claimants, agree to waive any civil or criminal action or claim for damages against the organizer, the Taiwan Off-Road Riders Association, in the event that I am unable to hold the organizer responsible for any of the following events.I have not informed the instructors or staff that I am not feeling well, and I have not informed them that I have heart disease, high blood pressure, blood clotting issues, alcohol consumption, hangover, asthma, pregnancy, or epilepsy. If you fail to comply with the competition's instructions and guidelines, there may be consequences.I failed to adhere to the instructions, safety regulations, and course content, resulting in injury.I failed to follow the instructions of the course and rode outside the event area without authorization, causing injury to others or myself.If I violate the safety rules and regulations and directly or indirectly cause injury to others or myself, whether intentionally or through negligence, I am willing to accept civil and criminal liability and compensate the organizer, Taiwan Cross Country Riders Association, and others for the damages.I have read the content of this consent form, understand the terms of the statement, and I agree to waive my liability to the organizer, Taiwan Off-Road Riders Association, for any damages that may be attributed to me.

Signature: __________________ Identity Card No.: ______________

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